An aluminium badge can indicate an immediately post war frame.
Aluminium was freely available in 1939. Many aluminium accessories
were offered in "Aids to Happy Cycling" 1939.
At the start of war aluminium became very scarce. It had been discovered
that aluminium powder added to explosives greatly increased the blast,
but there was not enough supply. All available aluminium went to depth
charge production, there wasn't enough for bombs until 1943. |
As war came to a close, aircraft and munitions production reduced, so that
immediately post war, aluminium was more readily available than brass. Rationing
of many goods lasted until 1950.
From war end until sometime in 1946, Holdsworth used
an aluminium headbadge. Neil Foddering's original finish 1946
Holdsworth has an aluminium headbadge and an aluminium headclip, these
were not sold by Holdsworth pre-war. |
A Claud Butler Lady Lightweight made in Dec 1946
and in original finish sports an aluminium headbadge. So it does appear
to be a general shortage. |
The pre-war Holdsworth brass rectangular badge, with a dark background,
re-appeared late 1946 or 1947 as shown on Doug Smiths original finish
1947 La Quelda. |
A head-decal was fitted to this 1948
La Quelda (original finish), whether this was due to shortages is
not known. |