Intro says CB over 50 years so post 1978, but the rear cover has
the Oakfield Rd address, so pre 1986.
Dalesman & Ladydale are here, they first appeared in 1982,
but the Super Dalesman is also here & that came later. Tandems
were re-introduced to the CB range for 1984. A pricelist dated 16
Jan 84 gives Majestic Two and De-Luxe Tandems, as per the undated
catalogue coded 84/1 (Jan 84). This Cat only has the Majestic Two,
no De-Luxe. The Jan 84 Cat has the Sierra & Panache as here,
but it also has the Brevet & has no Canyon MTB
This cat has no Brevet & only one tandem, it also has the Cadet
& Canyon ATB, suggesting late 1984 or 1985. In 1986 there is
only one tandem, the Majestic Two as here. The Canyon ATB is also
offered in 1986. so this catalogue must be late 1984 or 1985.