1984 the Triath-Elan was launched.
It was the Elan in another colour. The Elan in 1984 was mint
green and had an Elan decal on the top-tube, whereas the Triath-Elan
was Steel Blue Pearl with a "Triath-Elan" decal on the top tube, otherwise
they were identical. Both 'models' (colours) ran for 1984, then the
Elan name was dropped. |
Pics of Doug Havach's 1984 Triath-Elan in original finish, the Old Town
Cyclery seat tube decal was added later (pics by Sarah, when of the Old
Town Cyclery, Lenexa, Kansas).
1985 Catalogue excerpts, for Triath-Elan
and the new Triath-Elan VS
1986 Catalogue pages, show the Triath-Elan
and the new Triath-Elan EX
This was the last year of the Triath-Elan.
It was replaced by the Triathalon Classic for 1987.