1,000,000 Miles – A lot of it on a Holdsworth Woman’s 100m 1959 Derek Cottington Derek Cottington Article Cotters & French Derek Cottington DC Cronometro DC Cronometro Period Pictures of Owners with their bikes Claud butler 1952 CB Dalesman 1955 Bill Rann’s Trailer CB Tandem Claud Butlers Holdsworth Cyclone 1946 Mistral Coureur Sprinting Pro Test Track Grubb 1959 CB London To Brighton 1984 1939 CB CB Triplet Owner with Grubb Mid 60’s Grubb Time Trials CB Tandem 1937 TT c1975 TT Holdsworth 1949 LaQulda LaQuelda Warm Up TT 10 Mile TT 1966 – CB Reg Harris CB Hern Hill 1946 Bob Donnington Holdsworth Classic Holdsworth 531 Special, 25m TT Early 80’s Bert Halliday TT Olympics Holdsworth – 1952? Claud Butler